Melatonin – an answer to sleeping problems?

Melatonin – what does it do?

The regulating of sleep within the human body is governed by the hormone melatonin. Some individuals that can’t produce enough of the hormone and that have sleep problems, have discovered melatonin supplements to be a great aid in getting off to sleep. The human body controls production of melatonin as it reacts to sunlight and darkness. Whenever a individual feels sleepy in the evening, it is mostly due to a rise in melatonin, as the sun goes down and also as lights go out or are lowered. Some individuals may have problems producing enough and may encounter sleep issues. It might be in circumstances such as this, that a person might gain from supplementation.

Melatonin and safety concerns

Governing food and drug agencies in a number of countries at present classify melatonin as a dietary supplement rather than a medicine, however some have not evaluated it’s use or its essential safety. It has been found to be safe providing it is used according to the advised dose etc. It may seem like common sense, but you shouldn’t take melatonin whenever driving or operating mechanical equipment. It should also be avoided by women who are currently pregnant. If thinking about giving to a child, always check with a pharmacologist or doctor and read the maker’s instructions. It’s necessary to keep in mind that melatonin isn’t a sleeping tablet, but rather an aid to sleep that can help enhance the human body’s natural processes. You still need to enable your body to get to sleep and avoid those things that will work against you trying to get to sleep (e.g. an excessive amount of caffeine before bed, doing work late, having a big dinner at night). Melatonin supplementation can in many situations benefit some people with sleep problems, but for people that don’t have a difficulty creating melatonin naturally, it’s unlikely to make any big difference. In addition it won’t be a great help to individuals who follow a poor life-style which works against natural sleep patterns.